Thursday, January 26, 2012

God's Will

It's been quite a long time since I've been able to sit down and write. I kind of miss it but I have not really minded missing it because the time has been filled with family.

We went to visit my family in Indiana over the holidays. It was wonderful. Probably the most enjoyable trip up North that I have had in a long time. Maybe because we were able to show Jackson off to our family and friends. It ended up that Jeremy came back as regularly scheduled but Jack and I stayed for a little while longer. It was nice for Jack to be able to spend time getting to know my family as we don't see them very often. We were also able to meet my nephew, Samuel, who was born in November of 2010. It was so cute to see how he and Jack responded to each other being in the same house for a little while. My mom actually was able to fly back with me and Jack and we just took her back to the airport this morning. It was a fun two weeks with her here and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!

Now that you know why my posts have been absent, I feel like I need to share what is on my heart. I cannot share fully at this time. But, our church is having a revival coming up in a couple of weeks and that has got me thinking about God's will for my life.

When you become a wife, God's will is clearly laid out in front of you. It is God's will for you to be a "help meet" for your husband (Genesis 2:18, 21-24). When you become a mother, God's will is clearly laid out in front of you. But what happens when things aren't so clearly defined? How can you determine God's will?

There are things that are so heavy on my heart right now. I want to seek God's will and to honor and please Him. The moment I think we have it all figured out, God changes the plan and I have to seek Him all over again. Although I don't know what He has in store for me and my family at this time, I do know that His will is always best. We'll see what happens and I will let you know as soon as I can.


  1. I love reading your posts Sarah - they always lift me and cheer me up as a follower of Christ! You have a beautiful family, I will keep you all in my prayers.

    Rachel B

    1. Thanks, Rachel! That is encouraging to me. If I ever post something that isn't uplifting, let me know!!! :o)


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