Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thoughts on Teething

Wow. Where do I begin? Since Jack is my first child, I really don't have that much experience with teething babies. However, I do have one word to describe teething: horrible. It's horrible for me and Jack. I feel so awful for him. I can't seem to find anything that will help comfort him. Thankfully, his pediatrician did say that we could give him Children's Tylenol (grape flavored!) twice a day. I only give it to him when I think he really needs it (which is usually every day right now).

We have tried several different methods of relief for Jack. I have already mentioned the Tylenol. I've tried putting wet wash cloths in the freezer for a few minutes. Jack didn't like that. I've tried teething rings. Jack's mouth is too small. He has chewed on anything and everything that he can get his hands on. He chews on his blankets, his burp cloths, his toys, his stuffed animals and even our fingers.

Today we received our Raz-Berry teething pacifiers from Raz Baby in the mail! I couldn't wait to get them out of the package and cleaned up so that I could give them to Jack. They are a big hit! They are made completely of 100% silicone (BPA free). He chews every inch of them. I strongly recommend them for your baby's teething needs. Let's hope that they will continue to be a teething comfort for Jack.

For more products by Raz Baby, click here.


  1. We have these too! We haven't started teething yet but I was a dumb new mom and registered for them thinking that they were cute pacifiers! : ) Hopefully they'll be a lifesaver for us too.

    Were you sent them from the company or did you buy them yourself? I'm just wondering if they are a pr friendly company.

  2. I got these for my buddies but they didn't seem to like them. So glad they are working for Jack though :). The Hyland's teething tablets have worked like magic for mine. I just ordered more off ebay the other day! Oh, and by the way...I think the razzleberry pacifiers/teethers are adorable!

  3. I'm going to keep these in mind for when Calvin hits that stage. Thanks for sharing!


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